Rope Logic

Rope Logic Rope Wrench Shorty FIX Tether


The Shorty Tether from Rope Logic is a 9 inch long stiff tether for the Singing Tree Rope Wrench. It allows you to greatly reduce the effective length of your Rope Wrench System. It is made out of Neon Green 8mm Beeline and wrapped in a composite material, making it more rigid than any other tether on the market. It also features a built in tending loop. Also available as a kit with a 26" 8mm Bee Line sewn eye and eye. Do not use with prusik cords longer than 26".

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The Shorty Tether from Rope Logic is a 9 inch long stiff tether for the Singing Tree Rope Wrench. It allows you to greatly reduce the effective length of your Rope Wrench System. It is made out of Neon Green 8mm Beeline and wrapped in a composite material, making it more rigid than any other tether on the market. It also features a built in tending loop. Also available as a kit with a 26" 8mm Bee Line sewn eye and eye. Do not use with prusik cords longer than 26".


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  • MBS: 5,400 lbs
  • Not recommended for novice Rope Wrench users.
  • Scannable compatible for track and trace capability